Friday 12 April 2013

Garlic - that most wondrous bulb

Due to the many questions I've been asked lately about planting & growing garlic, I thought I would begin a special herb Blog, one wondrous herb at a time. Since, in our climate, it is time to plant garlic, we will start with that.
Ahhh, garlic - foe of the vampire,  loved by chefs, great for colds & general health.

Garlic (allium sativum) is a perennial plant that is propogated by planting the segments of bulb. It is a tall, 90cm high plant with long, flat  greyish leaves. The flower-stalk rises from the centre of the leaves, the flower is a compact maeve tinted collection of white pearls. Garlic is thought to have originated in Siberia. Garlic has been used in Egyptian, Greek & Roman diets for centuries.

Varieties:                                                                                                                                        Glenlarge – early season variety developed in Queensland with a purple tinge          Southern Glen – also a Qld variety suitable for warmer climates                                         Creole – softneck more suited to hot dry climate                                                                              Printanor – mid season softneck of french origin – main variety grown in Australia & New Zealand                                                                                                                                        Mouliner – mid season with symmetrical bulbs                                                                      Simonetti – softneck originating from Republic of Georgia                                                  Californian Early – mid season in temperate climates                                                       Californian Late – small dark pin skinned cloves – late variety for cooler regions – excellent storage                                                                                                                                          Australian White – also a Californian type, selected in Sth Australia                                           Rojo del Pais Baza – Spanish heirloom with a small bulb that has big flavour                  Italian White – stores well, grown in temperate climates
New Zealand Purple – small high quality bulbs with purple tips
There is also the extra large garlic called Elephant or Giant Russian garlic and has a milder flavour but is great for roasting.

The garlic bulb is covered in papery skin. Do not remove the skins from the bulbs when planting. Plant the bulb segment upright (root end down) roughly 5cms deep. Make sure the garlic bed is dug through with compost added to poor soil. Keep cloves 15cms apart, cover & water well. Mulch the beds to keep a nice even moist soil.

Harvesting is usually 6 months after planting, when the flowers are fading & leaves are shrivelling. Harvest when it's cooler & best if its been dry for a few days to allow the garlic to dry out a bit. Plait stems or gather together, tie with twine & hang in a dry, airy place for 2-3 weeks. Store in an airy & dry place. 

Companion Planting
Garlic & roses benefit each other, as it helps repel aphids. Don't plant garlic near peas & beans as it inhibits their growth. Garlic can be placed amongst grain as it repels weevils. A garlic spray made of garlic is a natural repellent against most pests. Make your own or buy from garden shops.

Heres an easy Garlic Pest Spray recipe :

♦Bug spray:
In a spray bottle top up 3/4 of water, add to this a half teaspoon of dish wash [ organic, of course!], 1 tea spoon of garlic juice or coffee or chilli or all of them, shake and spray early in the morning or late afternoon, or both :P 

Garlic is loved by chefs, not only for heightening the taste & flavour in dishes, but for their digestive aid as well. Aioli has become very popular as a mayonnaise substitute. Garlic goes with lamb, pork, veal, beef, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, curries, mayonnaise & garlic bread, Chinese dishes, salads, sauces, flavoured salts & can be bought flaked, dehydrated or as a powder.

Garlic has remarkable medicinal properties because of its penetrating properties. & is a great natural & powerful antiseptic. It contains vitamins A, B & C, as well as copper, sulphur, manganese, iron & calcium, making it a good tonic for the glands & cells. It cleanses the intestines, helps lower blood pressure & cholesterol, expels worms, wards off colds, eases chest congestion & eases rheumatism. It is recommended as a travelling aid to ward off infection. It is beneficial to the elderly to prevent hardening of the arteries, & general aging symptoms, & helps people with sinus & hay fever issues.
If you are having acne problems, a clove of raw garlic a day will clear that complexion. Feed it to the dog or cat to keep fleas at bay.

Dr. Christopher’ s Plague Tonic:
  • 1 handful each of onion, garlic (regular, not elephant, which is not a true garlic), ginger, hot peppers and horse radish.
  • Chop coarsely and put into a blender.
  • Add enough Apple Cider Vinegar to cover and process.
  • Blend fairly well.  Does not have to be smooth.
  • Pour in a glass jar. Put wax paper under the lid, so no metal can come into contact with mixture. (plastic lids are now available)
  • After it settles down, there should be about 3/4 inch of vinegar covering the pulp.
  • Sit in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.
  • Use 2 Tbsp per quart of water for chickens, but not everyday
  • For humans:  take 1 – 3 Tbsp per day. If you cannot take that much, start with less and work up to it. The more you take, the more you will build up your hot tolerance. Yes, give to your children and chickens.

The introduction of cheap, bleached imported garlic into Australia in the mid 1990’s saw a massive decline in local production. Many farmers moved out of garlic production at the time as they could not compete with the flood of cheap imports. We all know the ones - tasteless, small & will not propogate. But growing garlic has made a resurgence in Australia, & with organic becoming more popular, we should see better garlic reaching our stores. Or grow your own!

Happy Grubbing & get that garlic planted now - in pots, in tyres, in bathtubs, in beds.


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